Greetings!! Just thought I would check in and give my 3rd verse for the SSMT (since it's almost time for number 4!). I hope you are doing well and had a splendid week. :)
"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (NIV)
I absolutely love these verses! I always try to quote this scripture in my mind and can't seem to remember it word for word. Not any more! :) These powerful words are a reminder to me of the warfare going on around us and how we can not face it with our own strength. Sometimes, life in general seems just too big to handle on our own, and it is. Somethings, we can't see, and we have to trust God; knowing that he knows the "big picture". He sees things differently than we do, and the closer we get to Him, the more we see like Him. The more battles we can fight, the more strongholds we can demolish.
As I qoute this scripture over and over, I am going to be encouraged about taking every thought captive, and making it obedient to Christ!! For the last few weeks, the devil has been trying to distract me with a fearful thought. Fear is not of the Lord. I know, if I allow fear to consume my thoughts, I am putting that above God. This is something that I will always have to work on. The devil has always tried to distract me by fear, but I am acknowledging that as a weakness and will surrender it daily. I refuse to let the devil win and every time he tries to bring a fearful thought into my mind, I will take captive that thought and make it obedient to Christ!
Okay friends, I am heading to bed. I hope these words have been encouraging. See you soon!
Natalie they sure were encouraging and that is a verse we all need to memorize and concentrate on daily. Hope you had a restful night and hope your friday is great.